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From here onward, I've made the demo build private. I've had unfortunately a few people confused between the release build and the demo build. (It's not their fault. I set up the games in a confusing way due to me being new to posting to itchio) With the release build existing and being completed, I figured there is no reason for the demo to exist anymore.

Very endearing and perfect amount of tension, dialogue, and character growth. Hope the spriteless canids from the tower make it, but overall very nice ending that is open to interpretation on the future of the species conflict :D


Thank you! I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed it. 


Damn bro this was good I started it at about 11:30PM -Ish And just finished it at 4:43 AM. BTW I read that comment below and I REALLY hope that sequel comes out ,Cant wait to see what is will have in store also could you post a link to a place I can send a donation(it will take me a bit but I will get one to you)


Thank you so much! I appreciate the interest in the sequel. I'm currently working on it in my free time while I juggle real life responsibilities. I do have the entire story planned out and work has already started. I'll be honest though, this next story is so much bigger than the first that I don't know how long this will take. It's a huge project to take up as a solo dev, but I'm going to keep at it!


This VN has such a great story! The way it's told made me feel the feelings of the characters. It's one of the VN's that has made me cry! The VN to me stands out from other VN's. Noticed you talk about there possibly being a sequel in the future! Can't wait to see what you make next! 


Thank you so much! I actually am working on the sequel, but I've just started on it now so there's no telling how long it will take me. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on its progress though. Again, thank you for all the kind words, I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it :D


Incrível jogo esperando próxima atualização




I love  this  game


A year ago I reader my first VN, and it was The Slums Demo, and now that I read the whole story I can say that is one of the greatest VN I downloaded so far. The Slums got me into this world, and I don't regret it. Thanks for doing this awesome story and the ending did made me really happy (: 10/10 Gracias!



I must say that this novel was something that I did not expect!

Something fresh and that with each passing minute I did nothing more than get more hooked on his story and think about how it would end.

You did a great job, I hope you can continue to make more novels as time goes by, I would really like to read more things made by you!


aside from the minor grammar mistakes, this fvn is great! love how the plot was done


The writing skill is just something else in a good way


That's a funking great game. Oh god, It's not every day you see a game like this. It's definitely the visual novel that made me feel the most feelings (i want more)

Just a little message With my language, I need to speak in Portuguese to express it better (probably if I use a translator the correct meaning will not come out): CARALHO QUE JOGO BOM, NÃO SENTIA ISSO A NÃO SEI QUANTO TEMPO, o último era meio nhe, mas esse pegou a essência da coisa. Muitos méritos por ter feito isso comigo


Ahh thank you!! That's such high praise. I really did my best to put the actual story in the spotlight and not make anything that was too formulaic and stereotypical of other visual novels. I'm really glad to hear it stands out among the others :D

(2 edits) (+2)

Fuck... I just finished reading this, and I got to say: Now I'm going to think about it ALL night (Literally, I work at night today :v). Of all the novels I have read, this one is the third that has made me cry. I hope there's sequel, I would like some answers (Plaster's whereabouts, for example). Seriously, I think this is well written, and that's considering english is not my native languaje, now imagine if I had read this in Spanish...

Also, I usually change music manually from time to time while reading, but I got stuck listening to "Fullmoon Horology ~ Eternal Paradox" for what, three straight hours?

You have my respect, not all people write things like these.

Well, I have rambled enough. Still, thank you. Thank you very much. You've made my day very entertaining. :D


Thank you! This is such an amazing compliment. I definitely do have a sequel planned for the future. I left a few things unanswered for that reason to come back to visit when more of the story is worked on. (I actually have a smaller project regarding Plaster being worked on right now by the main character artist who drew ember and plaster throughout the vn. It'll release hopefully this month. Be sure to follow my twitter to see it when it's done :D)


Very well, I'll check twitter when I can. Thanks for the reply. Another thing: Can I request and try to translate this into Spanish? I'm not a writer or anything, but I kinda found renpy somewhat intuitive to use. If possible, I could translate directly on the code or something.

I don't want to impose or anything. And I apologize in advance for the burden :'3


I appreciate the offer! I am a little wary of handing out the entire source code like that, but if it's something you really want to do, be sure to message me on discord and we can talk about it more there :D I'm open to the idea 


Soo very sweet

Thank you :>

(1 edit) (+1)

this is the first vn that actually made me feel excited and sad, and ho god the level of relief I got at the end nearly made me pass out. not going to lie, but I do want to know what happens next...

I'm definitely planning for more of this story sometime in the future. I can't promise it'll release quickly, but I definitely do have plenty more for a sequel down the line 


Ive read a decent amount of vns and this has to have been one of the best ones ive seen story wise. Id love to see more from you so i hope you will get way more support on your patreon.^^


Thank you so much!! I'm still just really happy to have gotten such a positive reception to it all. I hope to make more that people enjoy just as much in the future :D


Caralho. This was wonderful. I just finished reading and this is just perrfect. I'd say this is a 1000/10 for me, I love the story, I love the characters, I love it all.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for the sweet compliment. I'm glad you liked it :D


i just finished reading this and im crying QQ

i love it , it's short sweet sad beautifull 


I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it :D


i just finished reading this.i love it so much >< i wonder what happened to Plaster though

Thank you! I hope to have some more out about the story as soon as I can. :)


Quando chegará a próxima atualização

This game is completed, but I do plan on expanding on this story sometime in the future with a sequel. I have no estimated time when that would be worked on / released though. 

(Vou usar o google translate para responder, porque eu só falo inglês.)

Este jogo está concluído, mas eu planejo expandir essa história em algum momento no futuro com uma sequência. Eu não tenho tempo estimado quando isso seria trabalhado / lançado embora.


The story overall had so much charm and soul in it, and I'm so attached to the characters already despite the relative shortness of the story.

 Every single character had such a memorable personality, and for the limitations the VN had to work with, the end product was so endearing. 

I would love to see what the future holds for a potential sequel, or expansion to the current story. 

In the meantime, I'm going to be crying and puking at having finished such a charming story. 

9(; ^ ;)9    💻  


This was such a sweet comment. Thank you! I hope to work on a bit more to expand the story, but can't make any promises when those would be finished.


Woah.. this was amazing

Thank you!

Wow... That was sooo incredibly sweet! T_T DEFINITELY worth the wait~ UwU The Slums has a captivating story, well written characters, and all the sugary goodness I could ever hope to find in a romance VN~ :p

Could the writing use a touch up here and there? Sure. Would the novel have been even better with more art? Probably. But none of that detracts from the wonderful story xou shared with us :)

Thank xou sooo much for all of the time and effort xou put into this project! It was TRULY a joy to read :3 I love xour writing style, so I can't wait to see what xou come up with next~ <3


Thank you :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Even though this just a short VN but i very enjoying it , hope to see more of your projects (Plaster still down there tho kinda sad wish he could go to the surface  :<  )


Thank you for that! We'll have to learn more about Plaster in a future project :3c


Great Vn, really enjoyed it.  Look forward to future work from you.


What about Plaster! fell in love with that guy straight away.

Thank you so much! 

And I've been getting a lot of questions about Plaster. All I can say regarding him is I have plenty of plans for the sequel vn (whenever it would be made) to address what happened to him.

How long would the reading time be?

I haven't actually timed it, but it's a fairly short vn. I'd say about 2 hours depending on how fast you read. 

Alright then, thank you for the reply :D


Oh! I remember playing the demo long ago. I haven't had the time to read this, but I'll do it eventually. Thank you!


Enjoy! :D

(1 edit) (+2)

I haven't started reading this yet, but I want to post and say I am so excited!! I remember reading and LOVING the demo around a year ago, and I am super hype for seeing what this turns out to be! I can't support monetarily right now, but I hope to in the near future.


Thank you so much! And I really appreciate you wanting to support the game. I really hope you enjoy the story :D


I really liked this VN and now it's over and now I'm sad. Excited for any future projects from you, definitely someone worth keeping an eye on.


That's such a great compliment to hear. I hope my future projects live up to that :D

(1 edit) (+4)

I absolutely LOVED this VN to my core. The characters are lovable and nicely written, it is plain beautiful and would love to see what will come next of it. I do hope I get to see more from you and this beautiful VN you curated. I never cared for the characters more than I did with this VN. I genuinely cared and hoped for the best. 


I actually bawled my eyes out, worried sick about Aaron but I am just so damn glad everything went well... Of course, there's still more to unpack - we still have Plaster in the slums, we finally got to see the Queen and absolutely fell in love by her motherly care for Aaron, and what was the situation is in the surface and how they'll solve the problems brimming in the slums. I am interested in how these will be tackled with in the future.

Thank you for this wonderful experience of a VN and I am excited to see more from it in the future! Much love!


Thank you so much for all these kind words! Yes, I definitely purposefully left a lot of things open for a potential sequel down the line. The fact people are so invested in seeing more of these characters is really heart-warming 


Why no audio?


Short Answer: I just did not have the time/money to implement audio. 

Long Answer:

I have zero experience in composing music, so that left 3 ways I know of to get music for the vn:

1) commission an artist who has experience making music for these projects

2) buy a pack of music to be used commercially 

 3) use free, fair use music (since the project is completely free)

I did not do much research on the first two, because this is a personal project that has zero budget (money is very tight for me). That left with me doing fair use music. I did spend an entire week working on music for the game, and in that week I was only able to source and download a few tracks for the vn. Mind you, this was me spending all of my free time that would've went to the vn just looking for music which ate up so much time that could've gone to writing and art. 

None of the music I could find in that week fit the vn and honestly sounded awful to listen to longer than 30 seconds. Keep in mind, that week was spent only *finding* the music, I would need infinitely more time to actually implement that music, properly credit the artists who made it, and then finding even more music as the ones I had barely even covered half of the vns tones. It became clear to me that something had to be cut, and music was the easiest thing to cut out. (The stress of finding this music only to be disappointed by the results was also weighing down on me pretty hard.)

Please keep in mind, this project is *mostly* worked on by just me completely for free. I had a few friends help out on some art assets, but everything else from coding, writing, proof-reading, implementing assets, as well as plenty of the art in the vn was done solo. It's a project I made next to nothing on during its year long development, so adding all of that work just to have a bunch of very boring music that most people would've muted anyways during their time playing just was not worth it. 


I absolutely enjoyed this short VN. I had an absolute blast while reading this. I had a couple of good laughs, a few feelings of anger and uncomfortableness (with how well you described the gory parts of the story), feelings of sadness, and most of all, a heart warming feeling of seeing a sort of bittersweet ending of Aaron and Ember getting to stay together. Even with the lack of music, you're writing brought out so many different emotions which shows how good of a writer you are. I really enjoyed reading this short VN. Amazing job!!


Thank you so much!! 


the ending was beautiful I started crying 


Ahh I'm glad you liked it :D


I have played this for like. 5 minutes. The gray wolf man blushed and I immediately rushed to write this comment because oh my GOD


Aww I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!


Can't wait for you to do other projects it was fantastic


Thank you! I'm gonna take just a little break, then start on a plan for my next project. No idea what it will be though yet haha 


Just a suggestion but you could continue with the same world you created in this vn and continue building it up by following different stories or not that's up to you either way im excited to see more from you


This is so sweet~ n///n




I am happy  to see more of this vn😊 I remember playing the demo i can't wait  to see more


Thank you for your patience on it! I hope you like it :D






ooh? i remember reading the demo a while ago. will read this!


I hope you enjoy it :D

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