A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

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The Slums is a gay, furry visual novel following the Crocodilian kingdom's Prince who's fallen into the depths of The Slums. A prison city meant to house the lower class, enslaved race, Canids. Stuck in this lawless land, the Prince finds himself relying on the aid of his savior and only friendly face in this entire city, Ember. Together, their mutual goal is to bring the Prince to safety to the surface. But is escaping a city meant to imprison an entire race for eternity really such a simple task?

This is a big project of mine I've been grinding away at for over a year now. I released the demo for it a while back, and was blown away by all the support and kind messages I received. I've spent the time up till now working on, polishing, and just doing my best to see this project to its completion. I've had some very much needed help from a few friends along the way. This is the first of hopefully many more visual novels by me. 

I really wanted to keep this project as small and easy for myself as I could, so unfortunately there are some things I just could not fit into the development time that other vns do. Multiple endings with branching dialogue choices, music, sound effects, and custom game ui are all unfortunately luxuries I could not afford. 

(Just to put it into perspective: I have received a total of $3 to support the vn over it's over year long development, and while I greatly appreciate that from the very kind supporter, it's unfortunately not enough for me to sacrifice any more of the huge amount of my free time I put into the project to add those things.)

Despite the project being a little rough around the edges and a bit smaller than other vns, I really do hope you enjoy it. What started out as a small "test" project of mine that I had no intention of ever fleshing out too far evolved into this passion project of mine that I've invested not only hundreds of hours of my time but also my heart into seeing it to its completion.  I really do hope if you enjoy the project, you consider donating to my Patreon, Kofi, or Itch.io as your funding will allow me to speed up the development time for a new vn and even start tackling bigger and more ambitious projects. If donating is outside of your ability right now, that's totally okay too. Just leaving a kind comment or sharing the project with the people you know will help me a ton as well. 

I really am so thankful for your interest in the project. Enjoy the story!

(Content Warnings for the vn: violence, profanity, mentions of death, anxiety, hints at self harm, and descriptions of wounds/mild gore.)

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(134 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
TagsFurry, Gay, LGBT, LGBTQIA, Male protagonist, Romance, storygame, Story Rich


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

TheSlums-1.2-pc.zip 133 MB
TheSlums-1.2-mac.zip 128 MB
Slums English / Rus Android 144 MB
Slums Spanish Android 117 MB
TheSlums_Spanish-1.0-mac.zip 106 MB
TheSlums_Spanish-1.0-pc.zip 111 MB

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 why am i crying? thank you for such a wonderful vn...

uuuh? whats with the dots

Spoilers alert:













































Damn, such impactful writing. The characters are vivid and the plot feels unexpected, terse, and realistic. 

The part where the two main characters got into conflict portrays the mixed emotions both of them felt due to the circumstances they're caught in perfectly. I also love how the boss fight wasn't any more significant than its immediate consequences, really glum but feels painfully real. 

Just finished this...and it was glorious...is there more?


Самая ахрененая игра в которую я играл со времён как прошёл outcore


Without a doubt one of the best visual novels I've ever played. God, I wish we'd seen more of Hook and that final scene broke me inside.


i love it, but im cried at the end (


Spoiler warningg

Man, the scene of the fight with the boss was INSANE

It's something I definitely needed to read for a long time, it was such an action that I don't really see in anothers vn's. And I absolutely love it for that, even in the shape the prince was he saved Ember in the final. Also the way it's described to thrown the boss deep in the water, and in that tunnel, damm.

The end get me crying too, I ended with a lot of question like, what happens now? Are crocodilian and canids gonna live in the surface some time? Although it's a good ending, they were happy after all.


Thanks for kind words! Keep those questions in mind. The sequel game is in the works now being chipped away at. I don't have a release date, but I can say there is still so much more story to tell.



Damn, I love it! Much longer than I thought it would be and very satisfying. Looking forward to your future work, whether it be on this project or something else.


It truly is a wonderful game. I really admire your work and enjoyed it. I think this game is worth more than 50 dollars, and I feel sorry for not being able to pay more. If you're willing to produce an epilogue or chapter 2 of this game, I'd happily wait for it. Please keep working!

- A big fan of you and your game, from Korea


Thank you so much for the kind words!! Your support means a lot.

Don't worry. I'm actually working on a chapter 2 to the game at this time. The second part to the game however is *much* longer than this one, so it's taking quite a bit longer to make. I don't have a release date planned yet, but I am definitely continuing development on the sequel and I hope to have a demo out for it at some time in the future.

Stay tuned :D


I've been playing a lot of different visual novels recently - mainly because I'm working on one myself - and this one is a stand out! Very well written, if not corny at times, but that honestly adds to the love I have for it. Compared to some of the others I've read it is rather short, but that's not to say it's a bad thing. I'd much rather spend only a few hours reading then the roughly 10 or so for others. Very good, very cute, and very detailed. 

9/10 :3

(1 edit) (+2)

Well, well done, it was well written, even if it's a bit of a shame that now he can't walk anymore, but it was still beautiful, I even shed a little tear^^ :)


Either way, you truly deserve the support and donations we give you.


i feel kinda bad that you have only gotten 3$ donated to this VN, i hope it dosent discourage you


I'm very much blown away by the support the VN has received. Every little bit from nice comments, good ratings, sharing the link, and the donations help me so much in staying motivated and feeling so appreciative for the audience I have. In no way do I ever want to downplay that even just a kind comment or a few bucks thrown my way is immensely helpful and appreciated.

Speaking bluntly however, the donations themselves are definitely something I would not be able to live off, for that reason progress on the sequel and updates to this game are slow, as I can't spend as much time on them as I'd like. Though I won't let that stop me from pushing forward bit by bit towards releasing the sequel when it's ready. 


Would this ever be on steam? it would be nice so if you update it ill see it. Also it was very good.

Unfortunately I don't have the licensing / money to post this game to steam. It'll be staying on Itch.io for the forseeable future for those reasons.

Would it be possible for you to put it on the epic games store? I don't know anything about putting games on stores but I thought maybe epic games does it cheaper (or free) or maybe even the Microsoft store.


just finished this, good god that was such a sweet ending


11/10 would read again and again :3


Hey ho dear avtor,

normally i am not keen on writing comments, but i think i might make an exception just for this one time. :D

You did a great job and that’s why i just "bought" the game for support. Thank u for good entertainment and keep up your amazing work. Greetings AThKORU
P.S. Maybe a page on Patreon wouldn't be a bad idea for you? Well at least I didn't see a link to it on this page. Am I blind? Probably, presumably, definitely!! XD

I do have a Patreon actually! It's linked at the end of the game in the credits. Though honestly no one ever really subscribed to it or donated that much. It would be nice for the ability to get funds to spend more time on future projects. 

Oh, that I should have noticed because I read every line... Maybe it's better to put the links from your Patreon and Kofi in the description of the game here on itch.io. It's really a shame. You deserve regular donations. Unfortunately, I don't have the income these days, but I definitely will be your Patreon as soon as I have a job! (apart from what I get for dog care 🐺XD)

(1 edit) (+1)

First of all, I'd like to THANK YOU for creating this novel. I couldn't give up playing it over and over again.

My question is... if someone were to create some nice soundtrack for your game completely free of charge, would you accept their gift?


I definitely would. Actually early on (about a month after the game's release) I did have someone offer that exact thing. They showed me some samples and even made a menu theme for the game. However since then, they've completely dropped the project and have not kept in contact so I assume they're just too busy to continue it. 

(2 edits)

Thank you for the reply and the input

Are you active on any social platforms (like Twitter, Instagram, etc.) where I can keep in touch with you? I'd love to share some of my work (though I'm not that professional, but willing to help)

It is worth noting that my work is completely free of charge, and original.

Thanks again and have a great day.


I do have a Twitter, @needs_bear, and hey I really appreciate the offer

Deleted post

Really. Really. Really enjoyed this VN. It ends on a good note, but I can't lie, it would have been nice to keep following them for quite some time x3 Great writing, great emotion, great work! Thanks for your dedication!


I said a lot in my review, but I really enjoyed this game. Great from start to finish, I like a lot of the concepts you introduced, the disparity, the costs that a certain wolf tells the protagonist about towards the end, all very good. I'm glad the ending was so well done! Endings are hard to get right, and I think you landed flawlessly. Certainly better than Aaron managed his. ;> 


This is the sad tale of the reality we deny, more so if we are directly involved, where there are two warring side slacked in bitter combat, that even innocents are put into the line of fire...  The ironic part is both sides are so steep and full of themselves that they do not realize they are fighting with the exact same tactics and the wonder why they are deadlocked.  When anger rules without compassion, you are going to push others side blindly in pursuit of something you want to have RIGHT NOW and by FORCE... it really irks me how demands are made, but there is never any work actually put into making progress towards that goal, always trying to blame others when one won't even lift a finger!!!

I have my own issues, but I also acknowledge that I am the true one who can ever break myself out of the fear and apprehension that comes from hearing to horror stories everyone tells...

It never helps  to have in the pursuit of learning or understanding to have anger pointed at you for not understanding it in the first place.  I was not raised among the others, so how dare you lookdown on me for thinking I'm automictically looking down on you?  The sad part is the real bigots are the ones who claim others are doing it without bothering to get to know others.  Using there isms as both a sword and shield, its pathetic, because hiding behind that is also what is keeping you locked in that place, you invite ism when you toss around ism.  Don't judge too quickly or you will only be giving reason to be judged in turn.  Its the golden rule!

If efforts to lean reach an impasse then the lack of understanding turns to anger, hate, and general negativity.  IN effect many of us, myself possibly included, do not understand that we are only perpetuating the cycles, because we are only ever acting in accordance to that cycle... sigh

What happens when you seek to speak to the source to dispel lies and they unfortunately proven truth?  It is the opposite of the story here, but is no less a viable possibility.  The only difference is with whom you meet and associate with first.  It is amazing just how much an impact first impressions can differ first hand than by word of mouth.  You can never know the truth without finding it out yourself, but it also requires you to keep an open mind, but encountering too many with closed minds can just as much shut you out in the opposition side.  If he had met Candids who beat him up ruthlessly, he would have then believed what his mother told him to be the truth more.  Damage and healing are all a matter of who you deal with, the more damage the less can ever hope to be healed and vice versa.  When you in a position of power and have the chance to make difference, do you use it or do you abuse it?

If only I could find people within the various populations out there, who defy the cycle I see, namely by simply being capable of mercy, and willing to exchange our concerns over what we see about our groups, calmly, rationally, then regardless of the mass perception I have, there would be an oasis of someone I could support in their fight alone to make things right, to change the way their whole is perceived, by changing the way they act.  If king and Nelson could do it, then anyone could do it, it all lies in a more peaceful and steadfast solution, something that I am not ever seeing a large scale these days.  Pockets do exist though, but it will take time for those seeds to grow, as compared to those wanting more immediate action.  Nurture good relations and you WILL CHANGE MINDS.

The issue of the upbringing of being in middle class is that I have both, sheltered childhood and some privileges  and  fear of unfamiliarity and denied access to other privileges.  I know humility because I was never treated as having a silver spoon, and being taught that for all I may have there are those with next o nothing, of me I can't bare the thought, but its a problem to big to tackle alone, and for all non profits out there, they help, but only short term, the real solutions are bigger picture, but also because of that it is harder to find a right or proper solution.  Some, but not all, things need to change, most importantly is to provide those with nothing a means to provide themselves with something.  Handouts can much too easily be abused...  If you give a man a fish you feed him for day (could also be said this is the easy and instant gratification route, just tossing money at a problem), if you teach him to fish he can feed himself for the rest of his life (the harder but road to progress route, where you work with people to provide them with the means to provide for themselves).

I am in such a limbo position too, I am able to decide what I want, but at the same time have so many potential options denied from me, just because of a sort of path I was forced to follow, that being the routine nature I followed through my upbringing, it has isolated me form ever being free to of the at framework, and because of that many possibilities too I would shy away from as well.  I am pigeon holed between my beliefs and reality... what I was taught and what is actually expected...

And there it is... one slip up and suddenly everything is treated like it never existed in the first place... this wat extremism can do... even among those who may be friends, suddenly thrust to be enemies because of a SIGNLE MISUNDERSTANDING?  And the feelings that follow, to be able to be angry with oneself, is what separates someone who does care from those that don't.  The willingness to apologize and admit you were wrong, that is what "humanity" is, for it is not a territorial dispute, it is merely a gap in understanding.

No one can know my pain, if they cannot understand the pain they inflict, it stands to be just as true if there were to any who I have ever truly wronged, and I find that at few, but that is only ever because I am not some social butterfly, and hardly go out, but I observe, and oh boy do I observe! sigh

I too do feel like crying at times, but I am not goign to go to my parents about it ever, for it is as much because of them that I am in my miserable state of limbo, for with them having any involvement from them is like handing over ALL control to them, I get no say.  That is part of why I have a high dislike for what I perceive as extremist, for all they ever do is shove others around.

And here in this moment between them is the duality I struggle with.  No matter how much I hate and resent, I can never stop questioning myself about just how far should I really go for in return?  I have the imagination of countless scenarios, all made plausible in some form because it has been proven just how stupid people can be.  But I am a thinker, a planner, an organizer, it all really comes in form of flowcharts, any actual operation needs a real leader with the know how to execute it.  In the end... the best worst result would be what course of action would result in the most equal chances among everyone for indirectly related casualties?  My imagination for anything good or bad is always to be the catalyst, but never to have a direct involvement. All I'd ever wish to do is apply my own spark.  My spark to make other think and ponder for themselves, to think about things in way that is beyond their own little world.

There is also this too..., the feeling that there are actual differences out there I could be making, but I don't know how or where to start, because I'm just as afraid of doing more harm than good.  How is one supposed to live when it feels like dealing with other people is like walking on broken glass???  What purpose do I have if my purpose is being denied and shunned?  I may not be responsible for the actions of those who came before me, but I am forced against my will to shoulder some of that burden, and there is guilt in the damage that has been and keeps being wrought, in ongoing civil cold war...

Sad part is for these reason why I feel like I could never properly love someone not of my own ethnic group, for fear of slipping up when always in their constant presence...  I feel guilty simply at the thought...

And that is the struggle of the sort of person I want o be, to be able to protect others, INCLUDES being able to protect them from THEMSEVLES...

Hrm... too many sweets and this boi will get extras softness! hehe ^^;

Darn to bad couldn't see this even more massive candid..., and this troublesome one...

What utter chaos it is, when both groups view each other as hostile backstabbers? Do you even realize you have backstabbers among your own kind?  You aren't any more clean sir!!! This what it means to have the cycle of violence at its peak, where it is hardest to get away from...

I couldn't handle being responsible for something so horrid, which is why my involvement would have to be indirect, it must be that it was not my choice and it must be that I was not present or even aware of it.

Tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, even if it only your own way of seeing things.  Lay it all out, and you shall find whom you can then truly trust in.  Even so though... the only lies anyone is willing to believe is lies backed by evidence, and so often it is to provoke fear and mistrust, truly horrid manipulation, but depending on the circumstances... it may be an unfortunate necessity.

To plead for mercy over guilt you have over something beyond your control, that is the mark of Humanity, to bear the burdens willingly.  We all have choices, and this includes the choice to give up our choices, but it never means we should act blindly.  Following through with threats is true naivety, when communication is all that actually needed.  It is the difference between mob mentality and humility.  The difference between lashing out and reigning in impulses.

Shakespeare Shakespeare, why do we the masses as a whole, forsake you? Why do we give into misguided anger?  Why do we not value thoughts and feelings?

The price we pay when both sides act upon a lack of knowledge or understanding, harsh/brash actions and reactions.  This is what shows the cracks of a failing system, but you also cannot replace a faulty system with another faulty one.  What I morn the most is our loss for the value and meaning of the intangible, what I morn most is the loss of innocence at the hands of each other, as we slip into a cesspool of sin and depravity by locking ourselves in our own worlds...

And again the conflicted feelings of knowing that my life is partly held together by misery that is force by others on others, the baseline workers, but also not knowing rightly what o do to ever help... a state of limbo and inaction, since a single step could upset everything...

And sadly here is the foremost mark of what I have continually observed about he trans community and them alone, any other communities are only as much as half this way... they will demonize and victimize anyone they see fit under the guise that they are the victim, and then will keep heaping it on by turning on anyone, friend or foe, who dares to defy them! Disagree with them at your peril!  This alone is the reason I hate them.  It has nothing to deal with them themselves, it their behavior and mentality to treat everything like they are entitled and only their inion matters.  This is what it means to rule by tyranny and fear... hell you step out line and not only do they cast you aside into a ditch, they will sling death threats that make Voldemort look like a being of mercy!  Like I have said, gang/mob mentality, always seeking the easy way out, not the right way out, and doing things by force under threat and duress.  Not right, not fair, that it won't matter who you are or your age, if it makes them feel superior they will do it.  Until I can start to be shown otherwise and for them to stop being so full of themselves, I cannot shake this perception, that they themselves have built up, yet try to deny, and in their efforts to deny only cement it in place.  I think the term is Manifest Destiny???  What saddens and sickens me most is the perpetual state of continual rotations of the victims and the victimized, nothing but fighting and bickering, rather than any ounce of rational thought.  What happens when one is is the victim of oppression of a larger ongoing feud(s)?  Those tainted only ever end up tainting others, and it spreads like a disease, because the root causes are never addressed... we are only ever seeing and dealing with the symptoms...

What I miss the most... oddly enough and only just because, the sense of community I had from being in school, where we all had a joint reason/purpose and could all help each other towards that goal.  Just because I am a bit of a lone wolf, but that does not mean I want to be alone, all it means is I want to be myself among others.  I am in many ways but a mirror of what is and is not seen and what is embraced and what is discarded and ignored, but in the end I only know what I know and only act based on what I know... you teach me happiness, I will give happiness, you teach me anger, I will give anger, I believe in the golden rule to the absolute, but the golden rule only applies to the surface, true progress is to dig deep down as to why such feelings are being generated!  Get to the heart of the matter!

Freedom and control are opposing things, yet too much of either and you have oppression, since complete freedom means the ability to exert your own control (anarchy), and the to have to much control breeds unrest as there is a desire for freedom rises.  It is funny how two opposing extremes or catalysts can in the end produce similar results.  I though wish to look inwards, for if we cannot solve our own problems then we cannot solve others problems.  It is true that life is about give and take, but you need to always be aware of what is being given and what is being taken.  Not everything needs to be transactional, but everything should be genuine, and any ulterior motives should be means to further help other others.  Build upon what you know and what you have, yet rather than fight learn how to adapt and incorporate and get along.  All about filing down those jagged edges!

Ooohhh! More than just wuffies! :D  Wuffies fav, but this good to have too! ^^ Ah figures he is THAT guy!  Never knock on wood! :/  It always rings hollow!

Hrm... Logic and reasoning, if dealing with reasonable people, would dictate something like... that money is to be exchanged for safe passage, a very hefty price to waylay such festered anger, but if terms are met, and passage is guaranteed, then this something no one will or could ever forget, and that itself would be a catalyst for change, for it would defy the very cycle, create a break and a crack, that can exploited to start undoing the loop.  As the loop unravels the hold Boss has too will to, since he is ones who keeps the cycle going from the Candid side.  Once again ugg respect through fear is not respect at all, it just veiled hatred!

If others cannot be happy, I cannot be happy.  This is where you take the golden rule a step further.  ITs meaning is One on One, a comparison of two opposing forces, but if you take a step back it too can mean to feel for others, it can also mean to take it into reverse.  You can get what is known as sympathy and empathy, all revolving around taking into account not only how others feel, but how you make them feel!  Look before you leap!  That though is easier when you are not presently embroiled in conflict...

Threats of death, violence, cruelty.. when I see this form someone and see it repeatedly, I can only ever see them as but a beast, incapable of being human for an instant, always being high off the power they control, completely irrational...  Many an issue such as this though can go both ways... when I say I have issues with certain groups, this is exactly what I mean, they never listen and do as they please, because they enjoy ruining the lives of others.  Then it may very well become that not only am I goign to ruin your life in return I'm forced to ruin everyone else connected.  This what happens when there is no one to not only stop conflict, but correct it to.  What happen when you have adults acting like spoiled children.  As much as I have want for revenge, I shiver from not knowing just how far I want or am willing to go.  You back me into a corner, you give me no choice!!! For now you have dozens upon dozens of others who can hardly be viewed as innocent, when they have born witness yet do NOTHING to amend things.  And sadly there you have guilty by association, which is plague of its own as the pain rather than in a single direction is rather released into a wave!...  and then you have ripple effects...

Boss... this what happens to those who betray anyone who only out for themselves, they value nothing and no one, a bully, a tyrant, this the sickening thing that is everywhere these days, always overshadowing what pockets I tend to see as light amidst the dark.  They have power only because others give or allow them to have power.  This is what makes ME angry!!!  I do argue too, but I'd rather express how I feel, than to shove words in the mouth of another!!!

And more or less this how Ghegnis Khan died after being denied the largest prize he could attempt to take, in a most humiliating way... because he did not think of his needs, only his wants...

The ability to give mercy is important, but mercy cannot be given to someone who shows or gives none, if I ever truly wished to harm someone, it would be these kinds...

This is the emotional pain I feel, form the pain we each inflict on others, and when the pain gets to be too much at various thresholds, we lose part of ourselves or faith and trust in others, even if they have given us no reason to distrust hem... everything just starts to feel fake... we are left with no confidence in ourselves or others, such is the pain of such a profound loss, and with it our very sanity is drained with our soul...

Sigh Can't save everyone, but hat is exactly why I try to be the voice of reason, why I ask questions, why I go beyond to ask questions of questions... Can't help someone who can't be bothered to help themselves... but this also means my problem is that I care more about others than myself.

The saddest thing is life is when it takes a martyr to show the err in ones ways...  and that no good deed goes unpunished, when weighed against the sins of the many...

While not everything is prefect, this what I'd call an ideal or realistic ending... they shares scars but are still alive, and where there is life, there is hope!  If my trust and generosity were not broken for aforementioned reasons, this is something I'd willingly support.  Heck could think of his VN as only the first Story or Book, since things have only changed for them alone!  You never just how much you glean from so little, for never underestimate the profound impact small gestures can make!


I love it!

Deleted post

As of now, I'm not comfortable with the game being reposted. However I am totally okay with a fan-translation of the game being sent to me for me to post myself to add onto the main game's post. (I actually have a Spanish-Translation in the works following this exact route)

Though if there is a Russian-speaking only platform / social media network that would reach a wider audience than itch.io, I am definitely open to reaching a middle ground on it. I do just want to personally talk to you or whoever is wanting to post it somewhere else before anything like that is done. If you want to talk about it, add me on Discord. I'm open to discussing it all :D (Discord: needs_bear)

(2 edits) (+3)

This is the greatest underrated VN I’ve ever read! This is the first VN I have read that doesn’t end with an uncomfortable feeling, it’s just good end, no cliffhanger or whatsoever, it’s just pure happiness without bittersweet. I wish this VN keeps continue, just please take all my money, I want to see them again! Back to the main topic, the scene where Aaron trying to kill Boss, I felt the tension when he tried to save Ember and Plaster. In the end, there’s cost to what action he’s choosing like Hook said, but the cost isn’t that much— although Aaron losses the ability to walk, He successfully saved Ember and Plaster, even made Ember go with him to the surface as a guardian for him and make the promise of Ember eating all the sweets. That’s all I want to said, I’ll keep forward to see any updates on this VN, and as I said before, I’ll waste all my money on this, even if it’s my savings.

Also sorry for the grammar errors that’s probably in my comment, I’m not native English speaker.

Another also, this is the first VN I read with happy ending to start 2024. :)

I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! On the ending, I really wanted to make sure this vn stood on its own as a complete experience. (Even though I am writing a sequel, I wanted to make sure this one felt complete and stood on its own) I think too many out there just never get completed or have such a bad twist at the end that it doesn't really feel satisfying. That was something I was very much wanting to avoid in mine, so I'm so glad to hear that worked out! 

I greatly appreciate the support and the kind words about the game. Don't worry about your English by the way. Your English was great!

(1 edit) (+4)

I literally finished the game an hour ago and this is a cure from me, bcs i read a lot of Vn's that made an awful feeling in my chest, but this Vn no. The writting, the scenarios and even the most disgusting character are incredible memorable (even if you hate they). Everything on this VN made me cried, mainly the end, every single minute that i needed to go to somewhere or even sleep, i was thinking about "I need read that right now" or "I need to finished this", JESUS MAYBE THIS VN MADE ME FEEL HOW IT IS TO BE ADDICTED FOR DRUGS! And when I ended the game I just threw myself on the bed and started to cry, i'm not that sensitive but this Vn probably taked advantage of it (jk). If i could go to me on the start of 2020...

(sorry if i made some mistake, english isnt my first language)


Hearing everyone be so invested in reading the vn like this is so heart warming to read. I really do appreciate the fact you all played the game as well as liked it enough to leave such great comments.

Your English is great by the way! Don't worry I completely understood you, no problem. Thanks for playing the game


So i have just finished the game and i am absolutely shocked, when i first downloaded the game, i wasn't expecting the story to hit me this hard, while playing i felt all kinds of emotions. Its usually very hard to make me cry, let alone start bawling and sobbing uncontrollably, yet this novel made me do that with little to no effort at all. The way i started uncontrollably sobbing and panicking during the "kiss" scene, its unbelievable. I felt completely attached to the characters, the writing is amazing and the visuals are very immersive. I usually keep most of my opinions to myself, both good and bad, but this VN had me screaming "GO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT". I don't have the words to explain how much i enjoyed this VN, truly amazing. 


I'm really glad to hear the story gripped you so much! It's really rewarding and amazing to hear such great compliments on it all :D


I Just finished the game and the story was really good! But i need to know what happen to Hook's Uncle, i'm worried about him TwT


I actually do have a mini project on the side to address this. It'll be posted to my twitter @needs_bear when it's ready.
Though there's no ETA on it as the main artist for Ember, Plaster, and Aaron is busy juggling work, life responsibilities, and the project. I won't spoil anything, but this was something I planned as an additional story to the game to help show a bit of Plaster's side as well as his current fate after the ending.


Thanks for letting me know, i already followed you on twitter and i will wait and check daily for the upcoming updates just like the other FurryVNs on my waiting list. I'm really glad that you are letting us know that you still updating this Visual Novel and not let us just hang, hehe.


Best Visual Novel I have ever read


Really appreciate that!


god mutherfucking damn.

i have never been the type to be easily swayed in my emotions, but this is something different. in 2 hours i've experienced more sadness, empathy, joy, worry, and relief than i have in an entire year. this writing is so otherworldly that i can't describe how good it is. the art is amazing, the dialogue and plot is enough to drive the roughest of souls to tears. i never ever want to forget the first time i spent playing this game. amazing. if there is a sequel i would be more than willing to pay whatever amount if i get to experience that all over again.

Thank you! It was a big goal of mine to make sure the whole story was packed densely with emotion and character even if that made it a shorter game, so reading comments like these always feels really nice in having that pay off.
A sequel is on the way! I already have the story all planned out, and now it's just grinding away at it. While I do greatly appreciate the kind words, do not worry. The sequel will be free to everyone to play all the way through the same way the first game was :D


:DDDDD yayyy

(1 edit) (+1)

it's hard to overstate how much i enjoyed this visual novel. 

my impression of it is that it's so genuine and filled with more love and care than i could ever imagine. the writing really stuck with me as a powerful and impactful story. i'm deeply invested in this world and its characters, and i'd positively hope to hear more of it! i'm sad, almost heartbroken, that i don't have the means to donate, but i'll be so loud about this to everyone all the time. because i love it just that much! kudos :3


Hey thank you so much for that! It's so amazing to hear from everyone how much they enjoyed this story. It's a passion project of mine that I really hoped would reach my audience in the same way I felt making it. Don't worry about the donation. The fact you played it and enjoyed it enough to leave such a kind comment is definitely enough!


I really loved this. Everything was incredible, from the art to the story. I'm looking forward to the sequel! :D


Thank you! All the kind comments I've gotten have helped a ton with keeping at it and grinding out the sequel :D


Ima be straight forward i dont care if my grammer is wrong im just overjoyed but this is a master piece at first i hesitated since its short and i probably wont enjoy it but boy was i wrong this is a masterpiece im so glad i press download i absolutely love this masterpiece tha best so far I've reading the ending was so unexpected i expected that (spoilers ahead) ember would die and when I get to the chase part and the pride met hook I thought he was gonna die honestly but oh that ending is unexpected both live happily ever after even tho the Prince can't walk but overall I love this vn so much its truly truly truly truly the best I've read and I hope a sequel comes out

Thank you so much! Rest assured, I have a sequel in the works. Though life is getting in the way, so progress is a bit slow. I'll definitely still be working on the sequel until it's ready though :D


I'm so glad there's a sequel but I hope things aren't to rough for you it must be hard making a vn and juggling with life I hope things go well for you and this might sound selfish but don't give up I really want to see the rest of this wonderful masterpiece 

I'm definitely going to keep at working on the sequel as I can. I have zero intention of ever abandoning it. Though as you say, it is very rough to juggle life, the vn, as well as my own art / social media. For that, progress is slow on the vn as I can only work on it when I have the free time too. I'll definitely keep at it though and it'll be released when it's ready.

I'm so glad there's a sequel but I hope things aren't to rough for you it must be hard making a vn and juggling with life I hope things go well for you and this might sound selfish but don't give up I really want to see the rest of this wonderful masterpiece 


I am being honest here. I usually skip a lot of text in visual novels just to get to a choice part, but this game right here made me stop myself from doing it. It was like an addiction to read every single chat box just to get the ending, I loved it. The story was beautiful, and I am just so very glad that I decided to click on this and download it, I was against my own idea since I have REALLY high expectations when it comes to games, but I am glad I decided to get through my stubbornness to play this, and I can say, it was worth it. The ending was fantastic despite the fact that (spoiler ahead) we, aka the prince, have lost the ability to move legs. It's my own opinion, but I really dislike happy endings with tragedy or tragedy itself, I cannot stand it since It's sad, so I obviously shed a tear when it was mentioned that we couldn't move legs anymore, but I am glad they are now somehow together. Yet again, this was probably one of the games that I can proudly say that it was worth downloading. I'll remember the game in my heart <3


Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words. 






Thank you for the interest! Good news is the sequel is currently in the works. Progress is a bit slow, but just like this game, I'm going to chip away at it as best as I can in my free time until it's done!


Holy crap... That VN was better than I expected. I could not stop reading it, like I was on edge for 3 hours. So glad I've read this VN!

My poor heart needs a break


I'm so glad you gave it a chance! It's always super flattering to hear that the story was that compelling. Thank you for playing the game and leaving such a kind comment.


the game surprised me a lot, the plot and the entire story impressed me. (In the end I cried, I felt bad about the event.) I hope you continue with the game, good job for creating this masterpiece.

Thank you! I am currently working on the sequel to the game, though it's still very much a work in progress. There's no estimated time for when it will be completed. I'll be working on it in my free time as much as I can. 


Imma be real, I was hesitant about this vn. I didn't think it looked the best and the shortness sounded disappointing to me, but oh boy am I glad I played this master piece. Almost never has book, never a VN made my heart race and made my feelings go haywire.  I loved this so much and it filled me with so much joy at the ending. This entire book is a a masterpiece and I recommend it to anyone and everyone

(I cried once or twice but thats probably because I'm just a big, emotional baby)

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! 


"I've just completed my journey through this VN, and it has left me with an overwhelming sense of joy and satisfaction. To be perfectly honest, I initially had modest expectations when I glanced at the cover art. However, as soon as I delved into the story, I was pleasantly surprised. The dialogues and the unfolding plot not only caught me off guard but also deeply impressed me.

The storytelling flows so seamlessly that I found myself emotionally invested, eagerly turning page after page. What's more, this VN skillfully weaved in profound ideas and concepts that resonated with me on a personal level. Without a shadow of a doubt, reading this VN was an immensely rewarding experience.

In my eyes, this VN unquestionably deserves a solid 5-star rating. It's a testament to the exceptional craftsmanship of the creators and a journey that has left me not only thoroughly entertained but also enriched."

Thank you so much for the kind words! It's really flattering to hear such high praises for this project. 


From here onward, I've made the demo build private. I've had unfortunately a few people confused between the release build and the demo build. (It's not their fault. I set up the games in a confusing way due to me being new to posting to itchio) With the release build existing and being completed, I figured there is no reason for the demo to exist anymore.

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